Directed by Charles Brabin. With Mary Fuller, Marc McDermott, Charles Ogle, Barry O'Moore. The forerunner of all serials, What Happened to Mary was a series of twelve monthly one reel episodes, each a complete entity in itself, revolving its immediate dramatic and melodramatic problems within the framework of a single episode and designed more for story and suspense situations than action. Episode Titles (q.v.): #1: The Escape from Bondage; #2: Alone in New York; #3: Mary in Stage Land...
Does anyone know what if any parts may survive of What Happened to Mary?, the 1912 Edison 12-part serial starring Mary Fuller? I believe IMDb at one point stated that it survived in 16mm reduction prints at unspecified archives, but I don't see that listed there now.
Directed by Charles Brabin. With Mary Fuller, Marc McDermott, Charles Ogle, Barry O'Moore. The forerunner of all serials, What Happened to Mary was a series of twelve monthly one reel episodes, each a complete entity in itself, revolving its immediate dramatic and melodramatic problems within the framework of a single episode and designed more for story and suspense situations than action. Episode Titles (q.v.): #1: The Escape from Bondage; #2: Alone in New York; #3: Mary in Stage Land...
Does anyone know what if any parts may survive of What Happened to Mary?, the 1912 Edison 12-part serial starring Mary Fuller? I believe IMDb at one point stated that it survived in 16mm reduction prints at unspecified archives, but I don't see that listed there now.