World Health Organization - Republic of Korea
Health information for the Republic of Korea
Business and Financial News, Breaking US and International News - Reuters
Reuters.com brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in business, politics, entertainment, technology, and more in video and pictures.
General Information about South Korea
Get general information about South Korea- language, flag, religion, climate, temperature, money, weather, history, and its people.
South Korea: History, Geography, and More - About Education
Facts and history of South Korea since the end of World War II.
Holidays and Observances in South Korea in 2015
Overview of holidays and many observances in South Korea during the year 2015.
Official Site of Korea Tourism: Korean Customs
korean customs-Korea Tourism Organization Official website provides various information on all things about korean customs.
Korean Traditions: An Introduction
A basic description of Korean culture and traditions, as well as links to helpful resources.
South Korea Culture and Etiquette - RoughGuides
You may have mastered the art of the polite bow, worked out how to use the tricky steel chopsticks, and learnt a few words of the Korean language, but beware, you may upset new friends by accepting gifts with your hand in the wrong place.
South Korea: Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette
Guide to South Korea and Korean culture, society, language, etiquette, manners, customs and protocol.
The Official Website of the Republic of Korea
The South Korean government provides news about Korea, Korean government policy, information on Korean history, Korean culture, traveling in South Korea, life in Korea, inter-Korean relations and more.
South Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
South Korea, officially the Republic of Korea and commonly referred to as Korea,[9] is a sovereign state in East Asia, constituting the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.